Easy ACH File Creator

The Easy ACH File Creator is used to make a direct deposit file from the Forest Products Accounting system. To access the Easy ACH File Creator window, select the menu option entitled Easy ACH File Creator on the Fiber Procurement Utilities Menu.

In order to use this option you must purchase the Easy ACH File Creator from www.ezdd.com. They will assist with installation and set-up of your company and banking information.
Once the Easy ACH File Creator product is installed copy the file FPA Direct Deposit.txt file from \fpa to \Program Files\Easy ACH File Creator\File Layouts.  This will establish the File Layout that will be used when importing the file into Easy ACH File Creator.  The window below shows where the file should be copied.

The producers, owners, and vendors need to be setup for direct deposit. This will be done thru File Maintenance - Producers, Owners, or Vendors. There is a check box on the Settings tab as shown below:

Enter or edit the direct deposit information according to the following specifications:
Direct Deposit
Enter a check in the box if the producer/owner is going to be paid by direct deposit. If the producer/owner is going to be paid by check, leave the box unchecked. To place a check in the box, click on the Direct Deposit box, or press the Space Bar when the selection box is positioned over the hold payment field.
Bank Routing Transit No.
Enter the bank routing transit number of the producer/owner's bank. The field allows for up to nine numeric characters.
Bank Account No.
Enter the producer/owner's bank account number. This field allows for up to fifteen numeric characters.
Trans Code
Enter a 22 in this blank if the producer/owner's account is a checking account. Enter a 32 if the account is a savings account.
To save and exit the Producer/Owner window, press Page Down, click on the OK button, or press “Alt O”. To exit without saving the Producer/Owner window, click on the Cancel button, press “Alt C”, press Esc, or click on the “X” in the upper right corner of the screen.
To access online help, click on the Help button, press “Alt H”, or press F1.
Process Settlements and Vouchers as normal. Go to Print Checks.  Physical Checks and Direct Deposits can be processed together. There is now a column in Print Checks that will indicate the checks that will be processed as Direct Deposits.  See the example below:

Pay by Check
This button becomes available when the highlighted check is being paid with direct deposit. It is a one-time override to pay by check. To pay by check, click on the Pay by Check button, or press “Alt K”. To swap back to direct deposit, click on the Direct Deposit button, or press “Alt D”.
When checks are processed it will prompt you when to load checks and when to load plain paper for the Direct Deposit receipts and Direct Deposit Check Register. During this process, a Direct Deposit export file is created and copied to the \fpa\dataxx\ExtInterface folder.  The name of the file is DirectDeposit.txt. Direct Deposits will appear on all Check Registers and will also appear under Void Checks.  They will have a “system assigned Check No.”.
Once the file is created you will need to select the menu option entitled Easy ACH File Creator on the Accounts Payable Utilities Menu. This will take you to the application to create the file to send to the bank.
Select Batch Manager from the options on the left of the screen. Click on New at the top. Click on Import at the bottom. Then choose From File.

Select FPA Direct Deposit from the File Layout section. Browse to the DirectDeposit.txt file from server\fpa\dataxx\extinterface folder. Click Import.  The data from FPA will now be imported into the batch file. You must select an Effective Date for the Batch, then Save & Close. Follow instructions that you received from the Easy ACH File Creator software vendor as to processing this file and transmitting to your bank. If you need assistance with the Easy ACH File Creator product, please call (360)891-6174.
When you close out of the Easy ACH File Creator, the system then verifies if all the direct deposits were posted to the file correctly. If they posted correctly, click the Yes button. If any of the direct deposits did not post correctly, click the No button. If you selected no, the system leaves the direct deposits out there to create another file.

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