Rate Master

Another powerful feature in the Fiber System is the use of Rate Masters.  Rate Masters allow you to setup an unlimited number of predefined rate schedules by destination and product.  It can contain rates for the either the destination, producer, owner, are all three.  


To access the Rate Masters, select the menu option entitled Rate Masters on the Fiber Procurement Control Files Menu.  


The Rate Master window will be displayed as follows:


To access online help, click on the Help button, press “Alt H”, or press F1.


To exit the Rate Masters list window, click on the Close button, press “Alt O”, or press the Esc key.


Rate Masters Maintenance

To add a new Rate Master, click on the Add button, press “Alt A”, or press the Insert key.


To edit an existing Rate Master, highlight the Rate Master and click on the Edit button, press “Alt E”, or press Enter.  


When you add a new Rate Master, the system will display the Rate Master Information window as follows:


Enter or edit the information on the Rate Master window according to the following specifications:



Enter up to a fifteen-character code to identify the rate master within the system.  The system does allow the use of duplicate rate master codes.  



The rate master description field allows up to thirty characters.  



Accept the default value of active, or change the status to inactive by selecting the inactive box. The system defaults to displaying only the active rate masters on the selection lists.


To save and exit the Rate Master window, press Page Down, click on the OK button, or press “Alt O”.   To exit without saving the Rate Master window, click on the Cancel button, press “Alt C”, press Esc, or click on the “X” in the upper right corner of the screen.  You must save this window before attempting to define the rates.


To access online help, click on the Help button, press “Alt H”, or press F1.


To enter or edit the Rate Table information, click the Rates button, or press “Alt T”.


The system will display the Rate Master Rates List window as follows:


Rate Code Maintenance

To add product rates, click on the Add button, press “Alt A”, or press the Insert key.


To edit existing rates, highlight the desired destination and product and click on the Edit button, press “Alt E”, or press Enter.  


To delete an existing product, highlight the record and click on the Delete button, press “Alt D”, or press the Delete key.


To access online help, click on the Help button, press “Alt H”, or press F1.


To exit the Rate Masters Rates list window, click on the Close button, press “Alt O”, or press the Esc key.


Return to Top                         Producers

Destination/Owner Rates        Owners

Producer Rates                      Customers

Return to File Maintenance     Destinations
