Destinations General Info. Tab

The General Information window contains all the addresses and telephone numbers associated with the destination along with information on the contact and the destination’s status.  The system defaults to the General Information window whenever you select the destinations option.  To access the General Information tab from another window within destination maintenance, click on the General Information tab, or press “Alt G”.


When you add a new destination, the system will display the Destination window as follows:


Enter or edit the information on the Destination’s General Information window according to the following specifications:


Destination Code

The destination code is a nine-character alphanumeric field used to identify the destination within the system.  The system does not allow the use of duplicate codes.  The sort field is used to sort the destinations alphabetically.



Enter the name of the destination.  The field allows for up to thirty-five alphanumeric characters and is required.



Enter the address of the destination.  The field allows for up to thirty-five alphanumeric characters and is required.



Enter the official city or township for the above address.  The field allows for up to twenty characters and is required.



Enter the U.S.P.S. code of the state for the above address.  An entry in this field is required.


Zip Code

Enter the U.S.P.S. Zip Code for the above address.  The system provides for the required standard five-digit code, along with the four-digit extension and is required.


Contact Phone No.

Enter the telephone number for the contact person of the destination.


Group Code

If you have destination group codes defined in the control files, an entry in this field is required.  To display a selection list of the valid destination group codes, press Enter, or click on the Lookup button.


Default Unit Code

Enter the unit of measure that most of the products delivered to this destination would be measured.  To display a selection list of the valid units of measure, click on the Lookup button.


Max Volume

Enter the maximum volume that the destination will allow before culling for overweight. If the destination does not have a maximum volume, leave this field blank.


Max Volume Unit

Enter the unit of measure that corresponds with the Max Volume.  To display a selection list of the valid units of measure, press Enter, or click on the Lookup button.  An entry in this field is required.


Override Producer Regular Rate With Cull Rate If Ticket Overweight

Enter a check in the box if the producer regular rate should be overridden with the cull rate if a ticket is overweight.  If the producer regular rate should not be overridden with the cull rate if a ticket is overweight, leave the box unchecked.  To enter a check in the box, click on the Override Producer Regular Rate With Cull Rate If Ticket Overweight box, or press the Space Bar when the selection box is positioned over the Override Producer Regular Rate With Cull Rate If Ticket Overweight field.


Do Not Issue a WARNING Message For Missing Overweight Rates

Enter a check in the box if a warning message should not be issued for missing overweight rates.  If a warning message should not be issued for missing overweight rates, leave the box unchecked.  To enter a check in the box, click on the Do Not Issue a WARNING Message For Missing Overweight Rates box, or press the Space Bar when the selection box is positioned over the Do Not Issue a WARNING Message For Missing Overweight Rates field.



Enter a check in the box if products delivered to this destination will book entries to the accounts receivable module.  If this destination is an inventory destination and will not book entries to the accounts receivable module, leave the box unchecked.  To place a check in the box, click on the A/R box, press “Alt /”, or press the Space Bar when the selection box is positioned over the A/R field.



The user would only have access to the customer field, if the A/R box is checked.  Enter the customer assigned to the destination.  To display a selection list of the valid customers, press Enter, or click on the Lookup button.


Assigned Inventories?

Enter a check in the box if the destination has an inventory assigned.  If the destination is not assigned an inventory, leave the box unchecked.  To enter a check in the box, click on the Assigned Inventories? box, press “Alt G”, or press the Space Bar when the selection box is positioned over the Assigned Inventories? field.


Require Destination Rates?

The user would only have access to the require destination rates field, if the Inventory Assigned box is checked.  Enter a check in the box if the destination requires rates.  If the destination does not require rates, leave the box unchecked.  To enter a check in the box, click on the Require Destination Rates? box, press “Alt R”, or press the Space Bar when the selection box is positioned over the Require Destination Rates? field.


Book Cost - Inventory

The user would only have access to the book cost-inventory field, if the Inventory Assigned box is checked.  Click on the Book Cost-Inventory field if you would like to book the cost of an incoming inventory ticket to inventory.


Book Cost - Purchases

The user would only have access to the book cost-purchases field, if the Inventory Assigned box is checked.  Click on the Book Cost-Purchases field if you would like to book the cost of an incoming inventory ticket to purchases.


Use Culls As Part Of The Product

Enter a check in the box if the destination deducts for culls and you want to track the culls as part of the product.  If the destination does not deduct for cull, or if you do not want to track the culls as part of the product, leave the box unchecked.  To enter a check in the box, click on the Use Culls As Part Of The Product box, or press the Space Bar when the selection box is positioned over the Use Culls As Part Of The Product field.  When the Use Culls As Part Of The Product box is checked, the tab for culls is activated on the destination window.


Use Culls Set-Up As Products

Enter a check in the box if the destination deducts for culls and you want to track the culls as a separate product.  If the destination does not deduct for cull, or if you do not want to track the culls as a separate product, leave the box unchecked.  To enter a check in the box, click on the Use Culls Set-Up As Products box, or press the Space Bar when the selection box is positioned over the Use Culls Set-Up As Products field.



Accept the default value of active, or change the status to inactive by selecting the inactive box. The system defaults to displaying only the active destinations on the selection lists.


To save and exit the Destination window, press Page Down, click on the OK button, or press “Alt O”.   To exit without saving the Destination window, click on the Cancel button, press “Alt C”, press Esc, or click on the “X” in the upper right corner of the screen.


To access online help, click on the Help button, press “Alt H”, or press F1.


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