Owners Categories Tab

Owner Categories are used to further classify Owners for reporting and tracking purposes.  The Fiber System allows you to define an unlimited number of user-defined Owner Categories with an unlimited number of user-defined corresponding codes for each category.  


NOTE: The category must first be setup in the control file before you can assign the corresponding category code to the owner.  The category code can be added from inside the owner’s master.  


Examples of Owner Categories and Codes are shown below:


Categories Codes

Type                 Corporate, Private

Region              North, South, East, West


To access the Owner Categories tab, click on the Categories tab, or press “Alt G”.


The Owner Categories list window, will be displayed as follows:


To save and exit the Owner window, press Page Down, click on the OK button, or press “Alt O”.   To exit without saving the Owner window, click on the Cancel button, press “Alt C”, press Esc, or click on the “X” in the upper right corner of the screen.


To access online help, click on the Help button, press “Alt H”, or press F1.


To edit an existing Owner Category Code, highlight the desired category and click on the Edit button, press “Alt E”, or press Enter.  


The category code maintenance window is displayed as follows:


Enter or edit the information on the Category Code window according to the following specifications:



Select a code for the category.  To display a selection list of the valid codes for the category, press Enter, or click on the Lookup button.


To save and exit the Category/Code window, press Page Down, click on the OK button, or press “Alt O”.   To exit without saving the Category/Code window, click on the Cancel button, press “Alt C”, press Esc, or click on the “X” in the upper right corner of the screen.


To access online help, click on the Help button, press “Alt H”, or press F1.


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