Purge Inactive Owners

To access the Purge Inactive Owners window, select the menu option entitled Purge Inactive Owners on the System Manager Menu.


The Purge Inactive Owners window will be displayed as follows:


Enter information on the Purge Inactive Owners’ window according to the following specifications:


NOTE:  This routine will permanently purge the inactive Owners.  Be sure to make a BACKUP of all data in the company before processing.


I certify that all data files in this company have been “backed up” to a permanent medium from which the data may be retrieved at a later date.

Enter a check in the box if you certify that you have a current backup of the data files.  To place a check in the box, click on the I certify that all data files in this company have been “backed up” to a permanent medium from which the data may be retrieved at a later date box, or press the Space Bar when the selection box is positioned over the field.  


I also certify that I will be the only user signed-on to this company, any screen saver is turned off, & no other work will be performed on this workstation.

Enter a check in the box if you are the only user signed-on to this company and any screen saver is turned off.  To place a check in the box, click on the I also certify that I will be the only user signed-on to this company, any screen saver is turned off, & no other work will be performed on this workstation box, or press the Space Bar when the selection box is positioned over the field.  


Purge Rule:  An owner may be purged if inactive, and not assigned to a tract, ticket, or check in history.


To select an individual owner to purge, highlight the owner and click on the Select Toggle button, or press “Alt S”.  To unselect an individual owner, highlight the owner and click on the Select Toggle button again, or press “Alt S”.  


To purge all the displayed Owners, click on the Select All button, or press “Alt A”.  To unselect all the displayed Owners, click on the Unselect All button, or press “Alt U”.  


To perform the actual purge, click the Purge Inactive Owners button, or press “Alt P”.  To not perform the purge and exit the Purge Inactive Owners window, click the Cancel button, or press “Alt C”, press Esc, or click on the “X” in the upper right corner of the screen.


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