The Generate Settlements option is used to print producer and owner settlements.
To access the Generate Settlements window, select the menu option entitled Generate Settlements on the Fiber Procurement Processing menu.
The Generate Settlements window will be displayed as follows:
The system defaults to displaying the producer settlement items when the Generate Settlements option is selected. To display the producer settlement items from the owner tab, click on the Producer tab, or press “Alt P”. To display the owner settlement items, click on the Owner tab, or press “Alt W”.
Enter or edit the information on the Generate Settlement window according to the following specifications:
Cut-Off Date Type
The system defaults to the post date. To change the date type to the load date, click on the down arrow.
Cut-Off Date
The system defaults the cut-off date to the current system date. Accept the default date, or override it the desired cutoff date. You can change the date by highlighting the date with the mouse and entering the date, or by clicking on the spin-box arrows.
To select an individual producer or owner, enter the producer/owner code, or click on the Lookup button to display a selection list of the valid codes.
Trial Settlement
To print a Trial Settlement, click on the Trial button, or press “Alt T”. Trial settlements allow you to review the volumes, rates, and deductions before creating the final settlement.
Final Settlement
To print a Final Settlement, click on the Final button, or press “Alt F”. The system defaults the settlement posting date to the current system date. Accept the displayed date, or override it with the correct settlement date. When the final settlement option is executed, the tickets included on the settlements are marked as paid and a check record is created for the settlement.
To place a selected ticket on hold, or release a previously held ticket, move the highlight bar to the desired ticket and click on the Hold/Release button, or press “Alt R”.
Hold All
To hold all tickets, click on the Hold All button, or press “Alt A”.
Release All
To release all tickets, click on the Release All button, or press “Alt S”.
Sort By
The tickets on the settlement can be sorted by: the ticket number, the load date, or the tract. The system defaults to sorting the tickets by the ticket number. To display a list of the sort categories, click on the “sort by” drop-down box arrow.
Product Group
To display all the tickets for a specific product group, enter the product group code. To display a selection list of the valid product groups defined within the system, click on the Lookup button. To display tickets for all product groups, click on the All Grps button.
To display all the tickets for a specific tract, enter the tract code. To display a selection list of the valid tracts defined within the system, click on the Lookup button. To display tickets for all tracts, click on the All Trcts button.
To exit the Generate Settlements list window, click on Close button, press “Alt O”, or press the Esc key.
To access online help, click on the Help button, press “Alt H”, or press F1.
Producer/Owner Manual Check
In order to enter a manual check, an individual producer or owner must be selected. To enter a Manual Check (written outside of the system) for a producer or owner, click on the Manual button, or press “Alt M”. The system prints the final settlement during the processing of the manual check. The system will display the Manual Check Information window as follows:
Enter or edit the information on the Manual Check Information window according to the following specifications:
Check Date
The check date defaults to the current system date. Accept the displayed date, or override it with a new date.
Check Number
Enter the check number for the manual check.
Net Amount
Enter the net amount of the manual check; this should be the actual amount of the check, not the net settlement amount. If the amount of the check is different than the settlement amount, the system will automatically book an entry to the Manual Check Adjustment account defined in the System Control File for the difference.
Bank Number
The bank number defaults to the bank defined in the system control file. Accept the default bank, or press Enter, or click on the Lookup box to display the selection list.
To post the check and create the final settlement, press Page Down, click on the Post Check & Create Final Settlement button, or press “Alt P”. To exit without saving the Manual Check Information window, click on the Cancel button, press “Alt C”, press Esc, or click on the “X” in the upper right corner of the screen.
Producer/Owner Deductions
In order to enter or edit deductions, an individual producer or owner must be selected. To enter or edit deductions for a producer or owner, click on the Deductions button, or press “Alt D”. The system will display the Deductions Information window as follows:
For information on how to enter and edit producer deduction, please refer to Producer/Owner Deductions in File Maintenance.
To exit the Producer/Owner Deductions list window, click on Close button, press “Alt O”, or press the Esc key.
To access online help, click on the Help button, press “Alt H”, or press F1.
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