Enter/Edit Tickets

Tickets are manually entered, imported via the scale house system, or via the external file interface.


The system provides for three ticket types: regular, adjustment, and historical ticket.  The system always defaults to regular tickets.  


The adjustment ticket is used to adjust a destination, owner, or producer amount with or without entering a volume.


The historical ticket ONLY updates the ticket history and tract history files.  The historical tickets are used to update tracts in progress when you begin using the Forest Products Accounting system.  They DO NOT create producer and owner settlement items, or update the general ledger, inventory, or accounts receivable files.


To access the Enter Tickets window, select the menu option entitled Enter Tickets on the Fiber Procurement Processing menu.


The Ticket List window will be displayed as follows:


Enter or edit the information on the Tickets Browse window according to the following specifications:


Default Post Date

The default post date field defaults to the current system date.  You can change the date by highlighting the date with the mouse and entering the date, or by clicking on the spin-box arrows.  The post date determines which accounting period the ticket will be posted in the General Ledger.


Gross/Tare Box

Enter a check in the box if you want the system to prompt for the gross and tare weights when you add a ticket to the system.  If you want the system to only prompt for the net pounds, leave the box unchecked.  To enter a check in the box, click on the Enter Gross/Tare box, press “Alt G”, or press the Space Bar when the selection box is positioned over the Enter Gross/Tare field.


NOTE: If the destination has maximum gross pounds defined, the system automatically prompts for the gross and tare weights.


Date Range Type

The date range type field determines which date to use when displaying tickets on the window.  The date range type defaults to the “post” date.  To change the date type to “load”, click on the drop-down box arrow.  


Starting Date

The starting date field determines the starting date to use when displaying tickets on the window based on the date range type.  The system defaults to the current system date.  Accept the date, or enter a different beginning date.  


Ending Date

The ending date field determines the ending date to use when displaying tickets on the window based on the date range type.  The system defaults to the current system date.  Accept the date, or enter a different ending date.


Destination Selection

To display all the tickets for a specific destination, enter the destination code, or press “Alt N”.  To display a selection list of the valid destinations defined within the system, click on the Lookup button.  To display tickets for all destinations, click on the All button.


Tract Selection

To display all the tickets for a specific tract, enter the tract code, or press “Alt V”.  To display a selection list of the valid tracts defined within the system, click on the Lookup button.  To display tickets for all tracts, click on the All button.


Division Selection

To display all the tickets for a specific division, enter the division code, or press “Alt V”.  To display a selection list of the valid divisions defined within the system, click on the Lookup button.  To display tickets for all divisions, click on the All button.


Search Button

The system provides for a search by one, all, or any combination of ticket number, ticket type, destination, and division.


To access the Ticket Search window, click the Search button, or press “Alt S”.


The Ticket Search window will be displayed as follows:


Search by Ticket Number

To perform a search for a specific ticket in the system, enter the ticket number, and click the Search button, or press “Alt A”.  The system will display all the tickets in the system with the number entered.


Search by Ticket Type

To display all the tickets by the ticket type, enter the ticket type, and click the Search button, or press “Alt A”.


Search by Destination

To display all the tickets for a specific destination, enter the destination code, and click the Search button, or press “Alt A”.  To display a selection list of the valid destinations defined within the system, click on the Lookup button.


Search by Division

To display all the tickets for a specific division, enter the division code, and click the Search button, or press “Alt A”.  To display a selection list of the valid divisions defined within the system, click on the Lookup button.


To clear all of the ticket search fields, click the Clear button, or press “Alt C”.


Ticket Search Maintenance

To edit an existing ticket, highlight the ticket, press Enter, click on the Edit button, press “Alt E”.  The Edit button turns into the View button if someone has been paid on the ticket. To view an existing ticket, highlight the ticket, press Enter, click on the View button, press “Alt V”.  


To delete a ticket, highlight the ticket, click on the Delete button, press “Alt D”.  You can only delete a ticket if the producer and owner have NOT been paid on the ticket.


To credit a ticket, highlight the ticket, click on the Credit button, press “Alt R”.  You can only credit a ticket if either the producer or owner have been paid on the ticket.


To exit the Ticket Search window, click on the Close button, press “Alt O”, or press the Esc key.


To access online help, click on the Help button, press “Alt H”, or press F1.


Cycle Box

To remain in the add mode without returning to the list window each time you add a new ticket, check the cycle box.  To enter a check in the box, click on the Cycle box, press “Alt Y”, or press the Space Bar when the selection box is positioned over the “cycle” field.  .


Enter/Edit Ticket Maintenance

To add a ticket, click on the Add button, press “Alt A”, or press the Insert key.


To edit an existing ticket, highlight the ticket, press Enter, click on the Edit button, press “Alt E”.  The Edit button turns into the View button if someone has been paid on the ticket. To view an existing ticket, highlight the ticket, press Enter, click on the View button, press “Alt V”.  


To delete a ticket, highlight the ticket, click on the Delete button, press “Alt D”.  You can only delete a ticket if the producer and owner have NOT been paid on the ticket.


To credit a ticket, highlight the ticket, click on the Credit button, press “Alt R”.  You can only credit a ticket if either the producer or owner have been paid on the ticket.


To access online help, click on the Help button, press “Alt H”, or press F1.


To exit the Tickets list window, click on Close button, press “Alt O”, or press the Esc key.


During the add, or edit of a ticket, the system will display the ticket entry window as follows:


Enter or edit the information on the Enter Tickets window according to the following specifications:


Ticket Number

Enter the destination’s ticket number as it appears on the ticket.  The field is required and allows for up to fifteen characters.  The system does not allow the entry of duplicate ticket numbers for the same load date and destination.  


Ticket Type

The system provides for three ticket types, regular, adjustment, and historical ticket.  The system always defaults to regular tickets.  The adjustment ticket is used to adjust a destination, owner, or producer amount with or without entering a volume.  The historical ticket ONLY updates the ticket history and tract history files.  The historical tickets are used to update tracts in progress when you begin using the Forest Products Accounting system.  They DO NOT create producer and owner settlement items, or update the general ledger, inventory, or accounts receivable files.



If your company does not use divisions, you are not allowed access to the division field.  If your company uses divisions, an entry in this field is required.  To display a selection list of the valid divisions defined within the system, press Enter, or click on the Lookup button.



If your company does not use departments, you are not allowed access to the department field.  If your company uses departments, an entry in this field is required if the general ledger account type is a sales, cost of sales, or expense account.  To display a selection list of the valid departments defined within the system, press Enter, or click on the Lookup button.


Load Date

The load date represents the date the load was delivered to a destination.  The system defaults to the current system date.  Accept the default date, or enter the actual date the load was delivered to the mill..  An entry in this field is required.  The load date has no bearing on when the ticket is posted to the General Ledger.


Posting Date

The posting date defaults to the post date entered on the Ticket list window.  Since the tickets added to the system during the current work session would normally have the same posting date, the cursor skips the posting date field during the ticket entry process.  You can change the date by highlighting the date with the mouse and entering the date, or by clicking on the spin-box arrows.  The post date determines which accounting period the ticket will be posted in the General Ledger.


Accounting Period

The system selects the accounting period based on the posting date compared to the accounting periods defined within the system.  The accounting period must be the current period or the prior period if the prior period is open.  The cursor skips the accounting period field during the ticket entry process.



Enter the tract from were the load originated.  To display a selection list of valid tracts, press Enter, or click on the Lookup button.  An entry in this field is required.  You cannot enter a ticket for an inactive tract.



Enter the destination where the load was delivered. To display a selection list of valid destinations, press Enter, or click on the Lookup button.  An entry in this field is required.



The miles field defaults to miles assigned to the destination on the tract.  The cursor skips the miles field during the ticket entry process.


Out Inventory

The out inventory field is active only if the source type is an “inventory shipment”. If the source type is an inventory shipment, and entry in this field is required.  To display a selection list of the valid out inventories, press Enter, or click on the Lookup button.  If the ticket is not an inventory shipment, the “Out Inventory” field is inactive.



If the security box is check on the tract, an entry in the security field is required.  If the security box is not checked on the tract, the cursor skips over the security field during ticket entry.


In Inventory

If the destination has an assigned inventory, you are required to enter an inventory.  To display a selection list of valid inventories, press Enter, or click on the Lookup button.  If the destination does not have an assigned inventory, the “In Inventory” field is inactive.



The state field defaults to the state defined on the tract.  If two states are defined on the tract, the system prompts you to enter the state.  An entry in the state field is required.



The state field defaults to the county defined on the tract.  If two counties are defined on the tract, the system prompts you to enter the county.  An entry in the county field is required.



Enter the unit of measure and volume as shown on the ticket.  If the load was stick-scaled, you must enter “SS” to display the stick table window.  Tickets with a unit of measure of cords or tons, can be entered with those units, or entered as  “LB” (net pounds).  The system will make the necessary conversion from net pounds to the correct unit of measure based on the units assigned in the tract.


NOTE: If the gross/tare box was checked on the Ticket List window, or if the destination includes an entry in the maximum gross pounds field, the system defaults the unit of measure to “LB” and the cursor advances to the gross pounds field.


Gross Pounds

If applicable, enter the gross pounds for the ticket.


Tare Pounds

If applicable, enter the tare pounds for the ticket.


Net Pounds

If gross and tare pounds are entered, the net pounds field is calculated by the system.



The reference field is displayed only if the display reference field box is checked in the company file.  An entry in this field is required if the require reference box is checked in the company file.  The field allows for fifteen characters.



The system allows for an optional thirty-character comment field.  The cursor does not advance through the comment field when the ticket is added.  To access the comment field, click on the field or press “Alt C”.



The advance field displays the customer’s advance amount (if any) to be deducted from the ticket. It is calculated and maintained by the system..  


Severance Tax

The severance tax field displays the destination’s severance tax amount (if any) to be deducted from the ticket. It is calculated and maintained by the system.  


A/R Amount

The accounts receivable amount field displays the amount the customer owes you (destination gross less advances and severance taxes) for the load. It is calculated and maintained by the system.


All of the fields described above represent the ticket’s header information.  All of the fields below represent the ticket’s detail information.



If only one producer is assigned to the tract, the system defaults to that producer.  If multiple producers are assigned to the tract, you must select the producer from the displayed list.


If the “Require Truck Number During Ticket Entry” box is checked in the producer file, the system prompts you to enter the truck number, driver, and driver rate code.  During the add, or edit of the truck/driver information, the system will display the Truck/Driver Information window as follows:


Enter information on the Truck & Driver window according to the following specifications:


Truck Number

Enter the number of the truck that delivered the load. To display a selection list of the valid trucks, press Enter, or click on the Lookup button.  An entry in this field is required.


Driver Code

The system defaults to the driver assigned to the truck.  Accept the displayed driver, or override it with another driver.  To display a selection list of the drivers, space out the displayed driver and press Enter.  An entry in this field is required.


Driver Table Code

The system defaults to the driver table code assigned to the driver.  Accept the displayed table, or override it with another table.  To display a selection list of the tables, space out the displayed table and press Enter.  An entry in this field is required.


To edit or view the Truck/Driver information window, click on the Truck/Driver tab on the ticket entry window.  If the producer does not require the entry of truck/driver information, the Truck/Driver tab is inactive.



If only one job is assigned to the producer, the system defaults to that job and cursor skips the job field.  If a primary and alternate job is assigned to the producer, the system defaults to the primary job and the cursor stops at the job field.  Accept the primary job, or override it with the alternate job.  To display a selection list of the jobs, space out the primary job and press Enter.  



If only one product is assigned to the tract, the system defaults to that product.  If multiple products are assigned to the tract, you must select the product from the displayed list.  


Owner Code, Name, and Percentage

If applicable, the owner code, name, and percentage of payment distribution are displayed.  The user is not allowed access to these fields during ticket entry.


To save and exit the Ticket Entry window, press Page Down, click on the OK button, or press “Alt O”. To exit without saving the Ticket Entry window, click on the Cancel button, press “Alt C”, press Esc, or click on the “X” in the upper right corner of the screen.


To access online help, click on the Help button, press “Alt H”, or press F1.


Return to Top                Check Register - Summary

Volume Entry Tab         Check Register by Prod, Owner, Vendor

Stick Scale Tab             Check Register - Detail

Generate Settlements     Void Checks

Print Checks                  Reprint Settlements

Posting Register             Return to Processing