The Fiber System provides you with an extensive way of tracking cruise, actual, and remaining volumes and amounts for each product on the tract. The Cruise tab is active only if the tract type is a timber deed. The cruise amount should equal the amount you paid for the tract.
To access the Cruise tab, click on the Cruise tab.
The Cruise list window, will be displayed as follows:
Recalculate Cruise
To recalculate the actual volume and actual amount on the Cruise tab, click on the Recalculate Cruise button.
To save and exit the Tract window, press Page Down, click on the OK button, or press “Alt O”. To exit without saving the Tract window, click on the Cancel button, press “Alt C”, press Esc, or click on the “X” in the upper right corner of the screen.
To access online help, click on the Help button, press “Alt H”, or press F1.
Cruise Information Maintenance
To add a new Cruise product, click on the Add button, press “Alt A”, or press the Insert key.
To edit an existing Cruise product, highlight the desired record and click on the Edit button, press “Alt E”, or press Enter.
To delete a Cruise product, highlight the desired record and click on the Delete button, press “Alt D”, or press the Delete key.
When you add or edit a Cruise product, the system will display the Cruise Information window as follows:
Enter or edit the information on the Cruise Information window according to the following specifications:
Specie Code
Enter the specie code, or press Enter, or click on the Lookup button to select the specie from the selection list.
Cruise Unit of Measure
Enter the cruise unit of measure, or press Enter, or click on the Lookup button to select the unit of measure from the selection list.
Product Type Code
Enter the product type, or press Enter, or click on the Lookup button to select the product type from the selection list.
Product Grade
If applicable, enter the product grade, or press Enter, or click on the Lookup button to select the product grade from the selection list.
Cruise Volume
Enter the cruise volume for the selected product. An entry in this field is required.
Cruise Amount
Enter the cruise amount for the selected product. An entry in this field is required.
Cruise Rate
The cruise rate field is maintained by the system is calculated by dividing the cruise amount by the cruise volume.
Actual Volume
The actual volume is maintained by the system. It is updated each time a ticket is added, edited, credited, or deleted for the tract.
Actual Amount
The actual amount is maintained by the system. It is updated each time a ticket is added, edited, credited, or deleted for the tract.
Remaining Volume
The remaining volume is maintained by the system and is calculated by subtracting the actual volume from the cruise volume.
Remaining Amount
The remaining amount is maintained by the system and is calculated by subtracting the actual amount from the cruise amount.
Select By Product
To select by product, click on the Select By Product button and select the product from the list of valid products.
To save and exit the Cruise Information window, press Page Down, click on the OK button, or press “Alt O”. To exit without saving the Cruise Information window, click on the Cancel button, press “Alt C”, press Esc, or click on the “X” in the upper right corner of the screen.
To access online help, click on the Help button, press “Alt H”, or press F1.