
Jobs are part of the "support system" for the ticket entry process.  The primary purpose of the job code is to improve the speed of the ticket entry process and improve the accuracy of the operator.


You are allowed to enter a primary and alternate job for each producer assigned to a tract.  For example, if the producer performs the cutting, skidding, loading, and hauling eighty percent of the time and the cutting, skidding, and loading the rest of the time, you could assign him two job codes and two rates.  The system will prompt you for the particular job being performed during the ticket entry process.  


To access the Jobs List window, select the menu option entitled Jobs on the Fiber Procurement Control Files Menu.


The Job List window, will be displayed as follows:


The system defaults to displaying only the active Jobs.  To display the inactive, or both the active and inactive Jobs, click on the drop-down box arrow located at the upper right corner of the window.


Cycle Box

To remain in the add mode without returning to the Job list window each time you add a new Job, check the cycle box.  To enter a check in the box, click on the Cycle box, press “Alt Y”, or press the Space Bar when the selection box is positioned over the “cycle” field.  You would normally check the cycle box if you are entering more than one Job during the current session.


To access online help, click on the Help button, press “Alt H”, or F1.


To exit the Job list window, click on Close button, press “Alt O”, or press the Esc key.


Job Maintenance

To add a new Job, click on the Add button, press “Alt A”, or press the Insert key.


To edit an existing Job, highlight the Job and click on the Edit button, press “Alt E”, or press Enter.  


When you add a new Job, the system will display the Job Information window as follows:


Enter or edit the information on the Job Information window according to the following specifications:


Job Code

The Job code field is used to identify the job within the system.  The field is two-characters in length.  We suggest that you use a clear, concise format for the codes such as J1, J2, J3, etc.  The system does not allow the use of duplicate job codes.  Note: At least one job must be defined within the system.


Job Description

Enter up to thirty-characters to describe the Job.  Suggested jobs are shown below:


J1 Cut, skid, load & haul

J2 Cut, skid & load

J3 Haul

J4 Delivered



The value field is part of an operator error-trapping system.  This is optional, but we recommend that you use it.  The error trapping routine assumes that each ticket has an arbitrary value.  Each time a ticket is entered, The Fiber System checks to see if the sum of the values of each job found on the ticket equals the total arbitrary value assumed for each ticket.  This is better explained by an example.  Let's assign a total value to each ticket of eight.  You would enter that value in the field “Job Code Total” found in the Fiber System Control file.  Next let's assign the jobs a value as follows:


J1 Cut, skid, load & haul 8

J2 Cut, skid & load          6

J3 Haul                             2

J4 Delivered                     8


Whenever a ticket is entered, the Fiber System totals the value of each job on the ticket, and compares the total with the Job Code Total in the system controls file.  If the two figures are equal, the system concludes that the ticket is complete.  If, however, the figures are not equal, the system concludes that an error has occurred and displays a message explaining the error.  For example, let's assume that a ticket had only one Producer and the job code assigned to the Producer on the ticket was "J1 Cut, skid, load & haul."  The system would assume that the ticket is complete since the Job Code Total is eight and the value assigned to "J1" is eight as well.  In another example, suppose that there were two Producers on a ticket. The first Producer did a "J2 Cut, skid & load."  The second Producer was the trucker and did a "J3 Haul."


However, the ticket-entry person failed to record the trucker on the ticket.  In this situation, the Job Code Total equals eight but the total of the Job on the ticket only equals six.  The system would display an error message when the operator attempted to leave the ticket explaining that a Job Error occurred.  In our example, the operator would be forced to either enter a trucker, or cancel out of the ticket and not enter the ticket until the discrepancy was cleared up.


GL No.

Enter a cost of sale general ledger account number for the job.  The job general ledger account number overrides the product general ledger number located in the destination at the tract.  An entry in this field is optional.  To display a selection list of the valid general ledger accounts numbers, or click on the Lookup button. One use, of assigning a cost general ledger account number for the job would be to separate hauling cost from production cost.


To display a selection list of the valid departments defined within the system, press enter, or click on the lookup button.     


Require Destination Rate

Enter a check in the box if the job requires the entry of a destination rate.  If the job does not require a destination rate, leave the box unchecked.  To enter a check in the box, click on the Destination Rates box, press “Alt E”, or press the Space Bar when the selection box is positioned over the Destination Rate field.


Require Producer Rate

Enter a check in the box if the job requires the entry of a producer rate.  If the job does not require a producer rate, leave the box unchecked.  To enter a check in the box, click on the Producer Rates box, press “Alt P”, or press the Space Bar when the selection box is positioned over the Producer Rate field.


Require Owner Rate

Enter a check in the box if the job requires the entry of an owner rate.  If the job does not require an owner rate, leave the box unchecked.  To enter a check in the box, click on the Owner Rates box, or press “Alt W”, or press the Space Bar when the selection box is positioned over the Owner Rate field.


Require Mileage Rate Table

Enter a check in the box if the job requires the entry of a mileage rate table rate.  If the job does not require a mileage rate table rate, leave the box unchecked.  To enter a check in the box, click on the Mileage Rate Table box, press “Alt M”, or press the Space Bar when the selection box is positioned over the Mileage Rate Table rate field.



Select the active box if the Job is active, or select the inactive box if the Job is not active.  The system defaults to displaying only the active Jobs on the selection list.


To save and exit the Job window, press Page Down, click on the OK button, or press “Alt O”.   To exit without saving the Job window, click on the Cancel button, press “Alt C”, press Esc, or click on the “X” in the upper right corner of the screen.


To access online help, click on the Help button, press “Alt H”, or F1.


Return to Top                      User-Defined Categories/Codes Menu

System Controls                  Insurance

Units of Measure                 Stick Scale Tables

Product Menu                     Buyers

Mileage Rate Tables            Tract Types

Producer Deductions           Severance Tax Tables

Owner Deductions               Easy ACH File Creator Application Path

Destination Group Codes     Return to Control Files