Another powerful feature in the Fiber System is the use of Mileage Rate Tables. Mileage Rate Tables can be used to pay truckers or calculate the pay of company drivers. The system allows you to define an unlimited number of tables. Truckers can be paid by a rate per the unit of measure as other producers, or they can be paid based on a table. These tables are defined by the methods of payment as follows:
Per Mile - Rate Per Mile Hauled
Per Load - Flat Amount Per Load
Per Units - Rate Per Unit of Measure
Percentage - Percentage of Destination Gross
Percentage - Percentage of Truck Gross (Driver Settlement Only)
Per Unit/Mile - Percentage of Truck Gross (Driver Settlement Only)
Each of these payment methods is based on a mileage range. A mile range refers to the distance from the tract to the yard (or mill).
The Fiber System even allows you to have any combination of methods within the same rate table. For example, you may decide to pay a trucker who hauls 30 miles or less by the load. This would ensure the trucker a certain amount of money for each load. However, you may also decide to pay a trucker who hauls 31 to 60 miles by an amount per units hauled. Finally, you could have the same table pay truckers who haul 61 or more miles by a flat amount per mile.
To access the Mileage Rate Tables, select the menu option entitled Mileage Rate Tables on the Fiber Procurement Control Files Menu.
The Mileage Rate Table window will be displayed as follows:
Cycle Box
To remain in the add mode without returning to the Mileage Rate Tables list window each time you add a new Mileage Rate Table, check the cycle box. To enter a check in the box, click on the Cycle box, press “Alt Y”, or press the Space Bar when the selection box is positioned over the “cycle” field. You would normally check the cycle box if you are entering more than one rate table during the current session.
To access online help, click on the Help button, press “Alt H”, or F1.
To exit the Mileage Rate Table list window, click on Close button, press “Alt O”, or press the Esc key.
Rate Table Maintenance
To add a new Mileage Rate Table, click on the Add button, press “Alt A”, or press the Insert key.
To edit an existing Mileage Rate Table, highlight the Mileage Rate Table and click on the Edit button, press “Alt E”, or press Enter.
When you add a new Mileage Rate Table, the system will display the Mileage Rate Table Information window as follows:
Enter or edit the information on the Mileage Rate Table Information window according to the following specifications:
Enter a two-character code to identify the Mileage Rate Table within the system. The system does allow the use of duplicate mileage rate table codes.
The description field allows up to thirty characters.
Driver Table
Enter a check in the box if this table is used to calculate the pay of company drivers. If the table is used to pay haulers, leave the box unchecked. To enter a check in the box, click on the Driver Table box, press “Alt D”, or press the Space Bar when the selection box is positioned over the Driver Table field.
Pay Culls
Enter a check in the box if you want this table to pay for culls. In order to pay a hauler for culls, the payment method must be by the unit. If you do not want to pay for culls, leave the box unchecked. To enter a check in the box, click on the Pay Culls box, press “Alt P”, or press the Space Bar when the selection box is positioned over the Pay Culls field.
Fuel Surcharge Percentage
Minimum Amount
G/L Number
To save and exit the Mileage Rate Table window, press Page Down, click on the OK button, or press “Alt O”. To exit without saving the Mileage Rate Table window, click on the Cancel button, press “Alt C”, press Esc, or click on the “X” in the upper right corner of the screen. You must save this window before attempting to define the rates/miles for the table. If so, click on the Rate/Miles button to enter/edit the rate table information.
To access online help, click on the Help button, press “Alt H”, or F1.
To enter or edit the Rate Table information, click the Rates/Miles button, or press “Alt I”.
The system will display the Mileage Rate Table Rates List window as follows:
Cycle Box
To remain in the add mode without returning to the Mileage Rate Table Rates list window each time you add a new Mileage Table Rate, check the cycle box. To enter a check in the box, click on the Cycle box, press “Alt Y”, or press the Space Bar when the selection box is positioned over the “cycle” field. You would normally check the cycle box if you are entering more than one mileage table rate during the current session.
To access online help, click on the Help button, press “Alt H”, or F1.
To exit the Mileage Rate Table Rates list window, click on Close button, press “Alt O”, or press the Esc key.
Mileage Table Rate Maintenance
To add a new mileage table rate record, click on the Add button, press “Alt A”, or press the Insert key.
To edit an existing mileage table rate record, highlight the desired record and click on the Edit button, press “Alt E”, or press Enter.
When you add a new mileage table rate record, the system will display the following window:
Enter or edit the information on the Mileage Table Rates window according to the following specifications:
End Miles
Enter the ending miles for this pay range.
Enter the method of payment the producer will be paid for this mileage. To display a selection list of the valid methods, click on the drop-down box arrow. The valid methods are shown below:
Rate Per Unit of Measure
Rate Per Mile
Flat Amount Per Load
Percent of Destination Gross
Percent of Truck Gross (Driver Settlement Only)
Unit Mile ( (rate * miles) * units)
Enter either the rate or percent depending on the method selected for the ending miles range. An entry in this field is required.
Product Unit of Measure
If the pay method is a “rate per unit”, enter the unit of measure for the product. To display a selection list of the valid Units of Measure, press Enter, or click on the Lookup button. The system defaults to displaying only the active Units of Measure on the selection list. An entry in this field is required.
Product Unit Rate
Enter the product rate for the selected miles range.
Cull Unit Rate
If applicable, enter the cull rate for the unit of measure for the selected miles range.
To save and exit the Mileage Rate Table Rate window, press Page Down, click on the OK button, or press “Alt O”. To exit without saving the Mileage Rate Table Rate window, click on the Cancel button, press “Alt C”, press Esc, or click on the “X” in the upper right corner of the screen.
To access online help, click on the Help button, press “Alt H”, or F1.
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Units of Measure Stick Scale Tables
Producer Deductions Tract Types
Owner Deductions Severance Tax Tables